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      FITNESS TIPS FOR 8/25/2004                  

Diabetes and Bodybuilding


Regular exercise is known to be effective in managing blood glucose. 

Lifting weights can stabilize your blood sugar the same way as 
"aerobic exercise," maybe easier, because as you build muscle and
lose body fat,  this raises your metabolism, so you're always 
burning energy.

Lifting weights may also help your body respond to insulin.  It can 
also lower blood glucose and possibly reduce the amount of 
medication you need to treat diabetes, or even in some Type 2 
Diabetics, exercise combined with a proper meal plan, can 
eliminate the need for medication.

Lifting weights can improve your circulation, especially in your 
arms and legs, where people with diabetes can have problems.

Lifting weights helps reduce stress, which can raise your glucose 

Tips For Diabetic Bodybuilders

If you are currently out of shape or have recently been diagnosed 
with diabetes, see your doctor before you begin any exercise 
program. Talk to your doctor about the physical activity you plan 
to start and any exercise precautions you may have. You should 
have an exam focusing on your heart and blood vessels, eyes, 
kidneys and the blood supply to your lower extremities, such as
your feet.

Always wear your ID tag indicating that you are a diabetic to insure 
proper treatment in case there's a problem when you're exercising 
or you have an injury.

Always workout with a training partner. Everyone should, 
especially someone with diabetes. Let your workout partner know
what to do if anything happens beforehand.  Also try to bring water 
to hydrate yourself. Carry a snack with you in case of low blood 

Avoid lifting very heavy weights for low reps as a precaution 
against sudden high blood pressure. Instead lift moderate weights
for multiple sets and don't go to failure. 

Stretch for five minutes before and after your workout regardless 
of how intense you plan to exercise. 

Try to workout at the same time every day for the same duration. 
This will help control your blood sugar. Exercise at least three 
times a week for about 30 to 45 minutes. 

You should limit carbohydrates and fats in your diet, and test
your blood sugar often, so you can carefully adjust food
and insulin to your anticipated levels of exertion.  

Stick to clean carbs such as: dried oats, baked potato, rice, etc. 
No sugar!

If you use insulin, exercise after eating, not before. Test your 
blood sugar before, during and after exercising. Don't exercise 
when your blood sugar is more than 240.  

If you're not an insulin user, test your blood sugar before and 
after exercising {if you take pills for diabetes}.

If you feel sick, short of breath, have ketones in your urine or 
are experiencing any tingling, pain or numbness in your legs, 
don't exercise. Also if your medication is peaking, it's better 
not to exercise. 

Treat it when you feel it. Don't wait. Be sure you always have 
some food on hand to raise your blood glucose level. 


Build up your muscles 312% faster 

The reason for this special review is a new product by 
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belongs to top Personal Trainers in Germany. He developed 
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With this system you can build up muscles 312% faster 
than ever before. You can also lose your bodyfat 66.7% faster. 
It will make you stronger fast - if you want to be the next who 
bench presses over 300 pounds this should be your way.

Did I mention the best of all? You don't have to read a few 
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I am really enthusiastic about what he has done. So if 
you're serious about getting YOUR DREAM BODY - and 
want to use a shortcut - check out his website at: 
Click Here for more info on X-Size

P.S. Listen to what he says, he belongs to the few who 
really know what they are talking about.
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Neither trulyhuge.com nor the authors of this publication assume any liability for the information contained herein. The Information contained herein reflects only the opinion of the author and is in no way to be considered medical advice. Specific medical advice should be obtained from a licensed health care practitioner. Consult your physician before you begin any nutrition, exercise, or dietary supplement program.

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