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Did Mike Mentzer use steroids?

Posted by: Thomas

Both Ray and Mike Mentzer died young. To get that size isn't steroids the culprit in both their physical size and eventual demise?

Re: Did Mike Mentzer use steroids?

Posted by: Paul

Did the Mentzer's take steroids? Yes, but they actually took very small amounts and only before a contest.

Did they die from steroid use? The truth is that all the Mentzer's, the parents and even the sister, died young, why I don't know. But I know the parents and sister didn't use steroids.

Were steroids the most important reason for their physiques? No because they only used them 6 weeks before a contest and there are many people taking steroids that don't make as good progress as the Mentzers did.

And even more importantly is the fact that there are many people who don't take steroids that use high intensity training that are making great gains in muscle size and strength.

If you don't have Mike's workout DVD, you really should get it, it will answer all your questions, show you the form for all exercises, etc. It's like having Mentzer as your own personal trainer.

See Mike Mentzer DVD

All, the Best,


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