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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Are You Still Using Yesterday's Creatine Technology To Build
The Body of Your Dreams?

If It's Not Kre-Alkalyn®, You Are.

For some, yesterday's creatine technology made getting "the 
body of their dreams" virtually impossible because using it 
meant they puffed up like a blowfish, experienced cramps or 
had stomach problems. Sure, some put up with side effects 
because that was the price they had to pay to get the 
results only creatine can give.

Imagine if you could get all the high-powered results 
from creatine… without ANY of the downside … and without 
spending a fortune. If you're after a defined b ody and 
increased muscularity, or enhanced athletics there's only
one patented creatine that'll help you get all this 
- Kre-Alkalyn®.

Here's Why Bodybuilders, Athletes, Fitness Models,
personal Trainers and Weekend Warriors Everywhere
Make Kre-Alkalyn® Their Creatine Of Choice.

Major advances in creatine analysis and processing technology 
have made it possible for us to finally correct creatine's 
biggest flaw, the very one that's responsible for all the 
bloating, cramping and side effects so many people have 
endured when using creatine. That flaw is creatine's low 
pH level. Even better, you only have to use 1.5- 3 
grams, all without the hassles of loading or cycling. 

For full details go to Pumped Extreme

     Fitness Tips For 6/3/2015

Dad Bod to Ripped

Get a Rad Bod, not a Dad Bod, with this 3 step complete body transformation plan. What's the difference between a rad bod and a Dad bod? Dad bods aren't in shape. And they are not as muscular as they could be because Dads often let the body get into disrepair. So there are a few key things you can do to ensure you don't fall into such a state. Rad Bod Step One Intense cardio conditioning is the first step. If you want to get a rad body you have to go hard. Hard core cardio workouts will really rip you up. Try interval training like this on a recumbent bike - warm up for a couple of minutes, then pedal as fast as you can (sprint pedaling) for 30 seconds. Back off and pedal slow for 90 seconds, then hit the sprint pedaling again for 30 seconds. Repeat this process for a few minutes until you are totally exhausted. Over the course of the next several sessions try to push the amount of sprint intervals up by a couple or more sprints. Rad Bod Step Two Go heavy. Most "Dads" start to get away from the heavy stuff as they get older, yet it is the heavy area where you make the most radical changes. So go heavy. And don't just stay with the current heavy weight – try to go even heavier. That's something that the guys with Dad bodies don't do. Rad Bod Step Three The third step is dietary control. This is where those with a Dad body really lose ground. They tend to eat indiscriminately. If you want a rad body, your eating has to be tight – healthy nutritious meals and smart supplements. Put those three steps into play and you can avoid the Dad bod. Go to Guide Building Muscle While Losing Fat Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us
Dad Bod to Ripped

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