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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
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     Fitness Tips For For 4/21/2010

Finding Time To Exercise

There are lots of things that can be done in increments 
throughout the day. Here's an example of how you can 
break a routine up into small components: 

Morning: Before hitting the shower, do some abdominal 
exercises and stretching: 10 Minutes

Mid day: Do some lunges and squats for lower body 
exercise. 10 minutes

Walk on your lunch break. 20 minutes.

Also take stairs as often as possible. 

Evening: Pushups and upper body work with hand 
weights. 10 minutes.

All of these smaller efforts add up. Come up with a 
program that works for you. 

Read exercise articles, watch fitness shows. Become an 
educated exerciser. The more you learn the more creative 
you can be.

Remember – there is always time for exercise.

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Finding Time To Exercise

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