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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Declare War On Your Bench Press

Learn the exact blueprint (workout schedule) for upping the 
gain factor in bench pressing. From the beginner, intermediate
to most advanced powerlifter/bodybuilder. 

Covers everything from training, overcoming injuries, genetics, 
plateaus, adversity, cardio, nutrition and more. 

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     Fitness Tips For For 9/30/2009

Best Chest Exercises For Bodybuilding

Bench Press

Works the overall mass of the chest. With your back flat on the bench, 
grip the barbell with palms facing up and about 8-12 inches wider 
than shoulder-width.  Lift the barbell off the rack to the starting 
position, which is straight above your face, your arms extended fully. 
Slowly lower the barbell until it touches the lower edge of your chest. 
Your elbows should be pointed out while the rest of your body remains 
in position. Slowly raise (push) the barbell to the starting position 
while flexing (squeezing together) your chest. 

Incline Dumbbell Press

This builds muscle mass in the upper chest. Using dumbbells allows an 
extra 15° of movement at the top than you'd get with a barbell. The 
steeper the incline, the more the deltoids, rather than the pecs, are 
performing the lift. Too many bodybuilders use a 45° incline. This 
is too much. 30° to 35° is perfect for upper pec development.

Peck Deck

Works the central pec with an emphasis on the inner area, building 
depth between the pectorals (cleavage). I prefer to do this with 
arms straight in front rather than the forearms angled upward. This 
takes stress off the shoulder joints. These are better than flat 
bench dumbbell flyes. Since dumbbells rely on the pull of gravity, 
tension decreases at the top the movement. This is precisely where 
you want the most resistance to carve that inner pec detail. If 
your pec machine is under repair, substitute flyes between the 
low cross-pulleys on a low bench. 

Decline Dumbbell Flyes 

since you worked the inner pecs with the last exercise, the 
decline fly works the outer pec as well as outlining the lower 
pecs. Use a 35° decline bench and do the exercise with arms 
slightly unlocked. Start with palms up. Keep this hand position 
throughout the exercise.

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