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The Boise Experiment

does mike mentzer training work

Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty Training

Does Mike Mentzer training work? To answer that question two bloggers did The Boise Experiment based on Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty training principles, they challenged themselves to gain as much muscle or lose as much fat as possible in only two months.

What was the Boise Experiment?

The short and simple answer is a real time full body transformation that shows true increases in muscle mass and decreases in body fat. No smoke and mirrors, just true, real time improvement. That’s the quick and easy answer, but there is more to the story than that.

Who did the Boise Experiment?

Two candidates took part in the Boise Experiment.  Both subjects or "transformees" came from opposite ends of the spectrum.  The first transformee, Ronnie B, attempted to put on 25-30 pounds of lean mass within 60 days or less while performing approximately 11 to 13 workouts.  The second transformee, Big Andy, was on a fat shredding program, trying to lose 25-30 pounds of fat.

Both transformees had been in the nutraceutical and fitness industry for a combined 40 years. BigAndy and RonnieB have been in the gyms since their early teens and played sports at the professional level, as well as competed at a very high level in Powerlifting.

Where did the Boise Experiment take place?

Well the name does give a huge clue, and yes it is the one and only home of the famous SMURF TURF Boise, Idaho. Our workouts were done in a number of gyms and studios throughout the Treasure Valley, and the locations were picked based on how well the equipment integrateed into the workouts.

When did the Boise Experiment take place?

The Boise Experiment began during the first week of October 2010 and ran for 60 days. During this time period they performed approximately 11 to 13 total workouts, basically working out on 11 to 13 total days during two full months. This will give about 5 to 6 days off in between workouts.

This of course was a big contradiction to many current workout protocols. The key with the Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty workouts is to maintain a maximum intensity with the least amount of volume performed and to make sure there is plenty of rest in between workouts to facilitate the growth process.

How was the Boise Experiment be performed?

The Boise Experiment was governed by Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty training principles.  In short, Heavy Duty is the application of maximum intensity workouts with minimum volume and extreme focus on recovery.  What most fitness enthusiasts currently understand about fitness training and getting into shape is quite the opposite of reality.  Heavy Duty training will yield the best results in the least amount of time.

Most of the people working out in health clubs today, are working out multiple times per week for hours.  Some athletes workout up to 6 times per week with the duration of their workouts lasting 2 or more hours.  The Mike Mentzer Heavy Duty principles employee brief, intense workouts that require several days rest in between workouts.  It is not unusual for a typical Heavy Duty advocate to spend less than an hour in the gym in a two week period.  Yes, you heard correctly.  If you engage in Heavy Duty training to achieve your fitness goals you could be spending less time in the gym in a month than you spend grocery shopping.  No joke.

The Boise Experiment Results

After 60 days of the Boise Experiment, 39-year-old RonnieB had gained 25 pounds of bodyweight, and his bodyfat percentage actually dropped from 14.2% to 13.8%.


BigAndy, meanwhile, dropped 16 pounds and 7% bodyfat at 35 years of age during the two-month program. In the process, he reduced his waist size by more than two inches and pumped up his biceps by a whopping three inches.

boise experiment heavy duty training

If you want to get more in depth info about Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty you can watch the Mike Mentzer Workout Video.

If you have any questions about Mike Mentzer and his Heavy Duty, High Intensity Training workouts, nutrition, etc. Email info@trulyhuge.com

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