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Does bodybuilding make your penis smaller?

Posted by: Little Willy

I want to start bodybuilding, but I heard it makes your penis smaller. I'm not that big to begin with so I can't afford to lose size on my manhood. But I still want to build my muscles, so what can I do to keep my penis from shrinking?

Re: Does bodybuilding make your penis smaller?

Posted by: Paul

I am amazed how some of these silly myths are still believed by many people, there is absolutely no truth to the false ideal that bodybuilding with shrink your penis. How can exercise make your penis smaller? Would running shrink your penis? Would gymnastics? No of course not! And weight training won't do it either.

I think this rumor started because jealous people started saying that bodybuilders were over compensating for small penis size by building big muscles, then as it was repeated it was altered (remember the game telephone?) to bodybuilding shrinks your penis.

Now when professional bodybuilders use steroids (which I never recommend using because there are too many health risks) it can make their testicles shrink a bit, but the penis itself doesn't get smaller.

So I hope this helps ease your mind and you can start exercising, building your body and enhancing your health.

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