Posted by: PJ
I'm a novice. Started to follow the Arnold 6 day split. On you tube Mike Mentzer kept popping up, I eventually listened and it seems to make alot of sense. I've been reading more about high intensity training and am trying out a 3 day routine. After listening to Mike Mentzer's 4 audio tapes, I realized I'm doing it wrong. Is this 1 set to failure? 10 reps? As I understand each exercise 1 set 10 reps?
Posted by: Paul
Mike Mentzer recommended only 1 set to failure for each exercise. The guideline rep range he suggested was 6 to 10 reps for upper body exercises and 12 to 20 reps for lower body exercises. But this doesn't mean you do the suggested number of reps and then stop, you need to keep going until you reach momentary muscle failure, meaning till you can't possibly do another rep.
If you don't have Mike's workout DVD, you really should get it, it will show you the correct form for all the exercises, etc. It's like having Mentzer as your own workout partner. Go to
Also feel free to email me any questions at
All the best,