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Anabolic workout routine

Posted by: Paul

Here are some tips to make your workouts more anabolic:

1. Workout with intensity: The body needs hard but short training sessions to make it grow. So hit it hard and get out of the gym in less then an hour.

2. Workout progressively: You need to go up in reps or weight if you want your muscles to get bigger, if you use the same amount of weight for the same reps, you body has no reason to change. You need to push yourself to do more reps or lift wore weight in good form.

3. Use the right rep range: Muscle growth seems to come from the rep range of 6 to 8 reps. Lower reps build more strength then size and higher reps build more endurance.

3. Work each body part often enough: Training a body part once a week is a great way to stay the same size, because after a week it will have already shrunk. Everyone I ask agrees that if you work chest on Monday, on Wednesday or Thursday it looks bigger, but when Monday comes again it looks the same as before. So you need to hit each body part at least twice or even three times a week if you want to grow.

4. Get enough rest: if you only sleep 6 hours a night and go jogging every day and play sports, then go out dancing, etc. your body will not have enough energy to grow. If your goal is to get bigger then sleep 8 to 10 hours each night and keep other activities to a minimum.

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