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Mike Mentzer how many days between workouts

Posted by: Shable


I read many HIT articles and I'm interested in high intensity training by Mike Mentzer. I'm currently doing upper/lower body. I try to have between 3-5 days rest between my upper body and 3-5 days between lower body. Is that enough? Should I have more time to recover? What are you tips for enhancing recovery? I'm natural.

Thank you,

Average gym goer

Re: Mike Mentzer how many days between workouts

Posted by: Paul

In Mike Mentzer's last book Heavy Duty II: Mind and Body he recommended starting out with 3 days off between workouts. But, you still have to judge it by fatigue, energy and strength gains. Meaning if you still feel fatigued from your last workout rest more, if your energy and strength (lifting more or doing more reps with the same weight) then you have recovered and grown. If you aren't stronger you need more rest between workouts.

Some things that help enhance recovery are getting more sleep as well as taking supplements such at amino acids and creatine.

For a complete presentation of Mike Mentzer's high intensity workout system watch the Mike Mentzer Training Video.

If you have any other questions about Mike Mentzer or High Intensity Training email me and I'll get back to you with an answer as quick as I can.

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