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Increased Workout Tempo Breaks Plateaus In Bodybuilding

Posted by: Ron

Vince Gironda has again been proven right with a new study on how varying workout tempo and lifting speed affects fat loss and muscle building.

Tip #181:

Increase your workout tempo and speed up your reps for greater fat loss and muscle development

At the International Conference of Strength Training in Norway, a new Spanish study was presented describing the different effects of varying workout tempo and rep speeds.

There were 6 different workout volume/speed schemes in 3 groups comparing speed and volume.  After each workout scheme, they tested the neuromuscular fatigue (metabolic stress) and metabolic buildup of the athletes.

Scheme 1a:

3 X 8 reps with 60 percent 1RM load at maximal velocity

Scheme 1b:

3 X 8 reps with 60 percent 1RM load at half speed

Scheme 2a:

3 X 6 reps with 70 percent 1RM load at maximal velocity

Scheme 2b:

3 X 6 reps with 70 percent 1RM at half speed

Scheme 3a:

3 X 3 reps with 80 percent 1RM load at maximal velocity

Scheme 3b:

3 X 3 reps with 80 percent 1RM load at half speed

The results confirm what Vince Gironda observed and wrote about.

When the trainees lifted faster, in all three groups, the metabolic stress was MUCH greater.  The metabolic buildup (lactic acid and ammonia in the blood) was also significantly higher in the maximal velocity group, regardless of the rep scheme.

Between the three high velocity groups (the "a" groups), the highest metabolic stress was achieved by the group which performed the highest volume with moderate weight,  3 x 8 reps at 60% 1RM, closely followed by 3 x 6 reps at 70% 1RM.

This is exactly what Vince preached.  To achieve the most out of your workout, make sure you get the most amount of work done in the least amount of time.  This almost automatically defaults you to using moderate weights.  It also ensures the best of both worlds as the science shows.  The most fat loss and the most muscle gains, all from the same workout.

Your goal with your workouts should be to get in and get out.  No need to hang out longer than you need to especially between your sets and exercises.  Keep your rest periods short, your form full-range and perfect and your tempo explosive.

When you've had a few workouts this way, come back and let us know your observations.

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