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Proper Weight Lifting Form

Posted by: Muscular

Hang out in a gym long enough and you will start to hear many complaints. Injured shoulders, stiff backs, tweaked biceps, and strained hamstrings. The causes are many and varied, but the biggest culprit is bad technique. Proper technique is the key not only to making solid strength gains, but also to maintaining health over the long term.

Generally speaking, using good form means lifting less weight than you might think you're able. Proper form requires you to isolate the muscle or muscles you're trying to build, which makes the exercise harder to perform.

Keep in mind that the weight you lift is in many ways insignificant. Instead what's important is how you lift that weight. Remember that you are lifting to improve your body and mind, not to pump up your ego. Lifting slowly through a full range of motion is your ultimate goal. If you practice proper technique from the beginning, you'll build a solid base—strength from the inside out. Slow, controlled movements and proper breathing are a few of the key components to building a magnificent natural, healthy state of mind and body.

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