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what type of fat is best for bodybuilding

Posted by: Casey

In order to get the greatest muscle-building effects from my fat intake while minimizing the chances for increasing bodyfat, are there factors to consider other than the percentage of fat intake?

Re: what type of fat is best for bodybuilding

Posted by: Bill

There are two important factors to consider to optimize the anabolic potential of your fat intake -- fat type and intake timing. The types of fats you should be consuming are the essential fatty acids and linolenic fatty acids. These fats are polyunsaturated and are always found in liquid form. One of the most concentrated sources of these fats is flax seed oil. Other good sources include canola, safflower and olive oils. Using these fats as the bulk of your intake will optimize your hormone production and repair potential and avoid all of the health risks associated with consuming large quantities of saturated or animal fats.

Also consider the importance of intake timing. It is important to consume your fat in small measured doses throughout the day; adding 12 to 15 grams to each of your six small meals a day is perfect. This serves two purposes. First, it supplies your body with a constant supply of quality fat for hormone production and tissue repair. Second, it helps to control wild swings in bood sugar by controlling the rate of gastric emptying and intestinal absorption. This is desirable because dramatic variations in blood sugar not only promote fat storage, but they can really zap your energy as well.

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