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Jeff Daye
Natural Bodybuilder, Powerlifter
and Certified Fitness Trainer

Sports Supplement Review

I have completed a regimen of four products supplied by Truly Huge Supplements. The Herbal Fat Burner, Ecdy-Bolin, Andro-Shock, and the Nitrobol. These products were pivotal in allowing me to meet my goals and desired weigh status.

The Herbal Fat Burner allowed maximum curbing of my appetite which enabled me to increase my intake of protein and decrease body fat. The Andro-Shock gave me an increased feeling of testosterone and seemed to aid in endurance, stamina and overall growth. The Nitrobol was phenomenal in aiding in recover and allowing me to increase my workout intervals. The Ecdy-Bolin allowed me extraordinary muscle growth and power for heavy weight push well into my workout.

This stack was used responsibly and provided me with some the best results that I have had in my 15 years of Power-lifting and Body Building. This stack permitted me to maximize my growth and strength potential. I would highly recommend this stack to novice as well as professional lifter of any age group. These products are great!!!

Jeff Daye
Certified Master Fitness Trainer

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