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The Truth about Mohamed Makkawy's Training and Diet

Mohamed Makkawy

In this article Mohamed Makkawy sets the record straight about his training and diet.

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily purport to reflect the opinions or views of the TrulyHuge.com, its owner or members.

Mohamed Makkawy is a former IFFB professional bodybuilder from Egypt whose competitive career spanned four decades from 1969 to 1999. He had a perfectly balanced, aesthetically pleasing physique and was one of the best posers of all time.

Mohamed Makkawy Posing

His titles include Mr. Egypt, Mr. Mediterranean, Mr. International and Mr. Universe. As a professional he won the World Pro and was the Grand Prix champion six times as will as placing second in the Mr. Olympia two times.

In the mid 1980's some magazines, books and courses said that he was trained by the late Vince Gironda and even today you will find this information all over the internet on websites and forums repeating that Vince was his trainer and reprinting workout routines from these old magazine, etc. claiming this was how Mohamed Makkawy trained.

Mohamed Makkawy Today

Mohamed Makkawy Now

Well, I was contacted recently by Mohamed Makkawy and he would like to make it known that these websites and forums contain information about him that are completely wrong, that the training information is inaccurate and although he has great respect for Vince Gironda and helped him promote Vince's Gym back then, he says that Vince was NEVER his trainer.

He wants to correct the information that he says are a total misrepresentation to his person and as a World Champion.

Mohamed Makkawy told me that he came to North America with vast knowledge of advanced weightlifting from Egypt as he was a national champion. The knowledge of exercise physiology and biomechanics that are essential to Olympic lifting was given to him in Egypt by the Russians who occupied Egypt at the time.

He moved to bodybuilding where his success was due to his weightlifting origin. He later trained in France, and joined the European school of the zero carbs, zero fat pre contest diet, and that with this advanced knowledge already under his belt he clearly never needed a trainer.

He says that in the eighties era many magazine publishers and photographers published whatever they wanted and that with the exception of Joe Weider, the articles and photos that were printed in those magazines books and course were not authorized by him. That they purposely ignored his strong Olympic weightlifting background and made up their own stories about how he trained.

He told me that the pictures of him at Vince's Gym were simply a part of some friendly promo that were designed to help Vince, and the whole Vince Gironda training him was made up by a magazine publisher who wanted to create a story using his name and photos and feels Vince was used as well. The books and courses published that claimed to cover his training were not written by him and the exercises and workouts in them were not even his real training program.

He thanked me for taking the time to clarify his side of the story. And wanted people to know that many pro bodybuilders like himself were taken advantage of in the eighties, that there was politics and greedy publishers and that at times the people you thought you could trust would betray you, leaving you greatly disappointed which caused injustices to many bodybuilders for which they have never been compensated.

If you are interested in learning more about Mohamed Makkawy's actual training and diet information you should checkout his YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl9QXYmUcjtgZSXLf915nXQ as well as his official website https://MohamedMakkawy.com

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