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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Did You Know That...

"Arnold Schwarzenegger called this the most crucial area for 
mastering your physique!"

Are You Spending All Your Time Working Every Muscle Area 
but the Most Important?

Fail to get this area right and the rest of your training 
won't add up to much at all.  Unfortunately many people fall 
into this trap.

Have you been putting most of your training emphasis on 
the wrong areas?

Checkout The Incredible Shrinking Waist

     Fitness Tips For 3/27/2013

8 Pack Abs Workout

Being able to show all 8 abs on your body comes from a very specific
type of training but also nutrition. Losing fat so that you can 
actually see your abs in the first place is the first step and it 
all has to do with your daily nutrition and the amount of cardio 
that you do.

You simply have to stop eating junk food if you are serious about 
this or at-least eat junk food only once a week. Your body looks 
like what you do to it every day and not once a week so bare that 
in mind. You need to cut down on fat which means cook low fat foods
and go for the good fats like omega 3 fats which are found in fish 
and nuts and also use olive oil to cook. 

You also need to make sure that you eat dark green veggies they are 
the best for you, and eat fruits and fresh juice. Drink a lot of 
water, this will help you build and repair your ab muscles but also
this will increase your blood volume hence improving the 
transportation of essential nutrients around your body. 

Protein is vital because you are building muscle and you need to get
that done with good quality protein like chicken, fish, eggs and many 
other sources. The above are the basics that need to integrate into 
your life if you are going to get any success showing your 8 pack.

To get down to the actual business of training your abs we need to 
look at some of the many different abs exercises that we can choose 
from. But it is important to note that it is more the execusion and 
the form that you do the exercise in that makes the difference. It 
is recommended that you do about 20-25 reps for 4 sets.

Here are just a few choices that you could choose from: crunches, 
weighted crunches, reverse crunches, sit-ups, hanging leg raises, 
captains chair leg raises, lying on the floor leg lifts/raises, 
jack knife sit-up exercise, planks, side planks, v-ups, oblique 
v-ups, hanging oblique twists, bicycles lying on your back, reverse 
bicycles, etc.

The last point to remember is the control of the rate at which your 
body can process fat on your body and the best way to help that along
is with cardio. It is cardio workouts that will burn the fat on your 
stomach that prevents your abs from being visible. 

There are a lot of cardio exercises to choose from you can choose 
which ever one you prefer. You could jog, cycle, do martial arts, 
play soccer, play tennis, swim for many laps, pool exercise like 
trying to run in water more like walking, ride your bicycle or the 
one at the gym, run on a treadmill, do those cardio exercise like 
taebo, sprint or dance. Do this to get your sweat on and feel heated
up as your heart rate goes up and your metabolic rate increases and 
you will burn some fat and reveal that 8 pack you have been working 
hard to create.

For more information go to Abdominal Muscle Guide

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8 Pack Abs Workout

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