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Abs Without Sit Ups Or Crunches

Cheat on Your Diet and Still Lose Fat

With Fat & Carb Blocker you can even occasionally cheat on your diet and still lose Fat.

Fat & Carb Blocker, an awesome new product, naturally blocks absorption of fat and sugar in the food you consume. The blocking action reduces the number of calories available to the body from the food you normally eat.

Fat & Carb Blocker actually blocks the amount of fat and sugar the body can absorb from the food you consume. It also provides a second "line of defense", by working in the bloodstream to further impede the level of fat and carbohydrates available for metabolism.

The amount of weight you can expect to lose may vary, customers have reported weight loss of 25-35 pounds and more after two to three months of regular use, along with sensible diet and exercise.

Get some today at https://www.trulyhuge.com/fat_absorber.htm

You can also order Fat & Carb Blocker by calling 800-635-8970 or 503-648-1898, 10 am to 6 pm PST

Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 8/30/2023

How To Get 6 Pack Abs Without Crunches or Sit-Ups

Here are some killer abs workouts without sit ups or crunches that every body builder or any other individual looking to build up their abdominal muscles need to be in the know about.

1. The plank clutch or you can call it the Spiderman clutch plank is easy and does not need to be done in a special location. Also, it does not need you to have any tools and yet it strengthens your abdominal region both from the back and from the front. To do this, stay flat on the floor with your body raised by your forearms. With your body straight in the position of a plank, do lift your foot to reach your elbows and then get back to your plank spot. Alternate the feet for about ten sets.

2. Train your lower and upper abs at the same time buy lying on to your back with your hands behind your head. The legs should be help at a right angle. Try to rise up to enable your left elbow touch your right leg and your right elbow to your right leg.

3. Hands walking are key
Make your shoulders stronger and balanced though hands walking. Building that abs using this exercise will work better if you do it when you are in the pull up positioning and manage to go 90 meters without changing the body shape. There are also quite a number of crawling exercises that you can perform at home and are bound to build that body up.

4. Do not forget the bridges.
The spine could also use the toughening up and one of the best ways to do this is through a back bridge. This involves bending backwards until you can reach the floor and getting yourself back again. This however, needs a lot of practice and needs to be taken slow. For the neck, you can try some simple bridges for the back and the front to give it some weight.

5. The cross crutch is a safe work out for your lower abs too
By simply lying on your back and your arms straightened. Lift your right legs as you wake to reach it with your left hand and vice versa. Ensure to reach the feet and have your upper body raise from the floor to do this.

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