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How to Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Get Lean Quick 14 Day Fat Loss Kit

I finished my two week "Get Lean Quick" program. My first week I lost 15 lbs, second week 10 lbs, a total 25 lb loss. I was 220 lbs and went to 195 lbs, I am 58 yrs 5' 10" tall. The program was very easy to follow, and I did not have to starve myself. Thanks for your help and guidance, you have always taken the time to answer all my emails. I will continue to keep the fat off. This program has taught me important info on nutrition and exercise.

Thank you!

Mike G.

We are happy to announce the New Get Lean Quick 14 day kit is in and available for immediate shipment. We send by priority mail, so you can get started in just a few days!

For full information go to https://www.trulyhuge.com/get-lean-quick.html

You can also order Get Lean Quick by calling 800-635-8970 or 503-648-1898, 10 am to 6 pm PST

Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 5/20/2020

The Truth About Achieving Your Goals

Achieve Your Fitness Goals

I have had the great chance to talk with many people and a constant theme through many of the conversations is about reaching goals.  The main bulk of that is about how to lose fat or get a certain look but simply having a goal is not exactly the best idea.  We all should strive to reach our true potential and seek growth at all turns in my book, but so many set goals and fail to achieve them  Why is that?  Well that is what I am going to get into in this post, so keep on reading.

Goal Setting Basics

You can find thousands of different theories, practices, and opinions when it comes to goal setting.  But here is the reality.  There are 4 stages to achieving a goal.  If you omit one or all of these stages the chances of you actually achieving the goal reduces greatly.  So in order to keep this post from becoming a short novel, I am going to just hit the high points.  After you read what I am about to detail I want you to put these 4 stages into action right away.

Stage #1 Defining The Goal

You have to know what you want to achieve.  I know this sounds basic and a bit redundant but it is true.  You also need to make the goal proactive.  For example, don't have a goal of "I want to lose 20lbs by the new year."  That is very limiting in my book and makes the goal seem hard to accomplish.  A more appropriate goal would be as follows, "It feels great to have lost 20lbs now that the new year is here."  Make is positive, proactive, and reachable.  The more you can sharpen it and allow yourself to feel that you will accomplish it sets a great tone to actually achieving it.

Stage #2 Planning

Here is where many people get it dead wrong.  Having a goal is not the most important part.  Heck, anyone can have a goal.  It is the way in which you achieve the goal that matters the most.  Having a really well defined method and strategy is the only real way to attain the goal or surpass the goal.  The more time you put into planning the steps, variables, and changes the higher your chances will be of attaining the goal.  This is where you need to spend the bulk of your time, set yourself up for success.

Stage #3 Act

Now that you have a proactive goal with the right mindset and a solid strategy to get there its time to implement it.  Not much more to say here other than take action, without it the goal will just be something far in the distance.

Stage #4 Study The Outcomes

Did you get the results you wanted?  If so, how did you get there, what were the best practices you learned.  No?  Why not, what were the pitfalls and things that inhibited you from reaching your goals?  By studying the outcomes things will become clear as to why reached or failed to reach your goal.  To be honest, poor planning and motivation are the real causes of not reaching goals.

Final Thoughts On Goal Setting

If you follow these four stages and actually use them you will reach more goals, I know this from helping others and personal experience.  Another good tip is to start off small, get use to this process on a smaller scale first, then increase the difficulty of the goal.  By doing this you are building both confidence and momentum to achieve goals.  Hope this little post has been a value add for you and motivating as well.

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