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Benefits of Jumping Rope

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Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 12/16/2020

What Are The Benefits of Jumping Rope for Bodybuilding?

Jumping Rope Bodybuilding

I have to say that for some reason I never actually jumped rope other than when I was a kid.  A week or so ago a reader of this blog asked me to do a post on the benefits of jumping rope.  I said that is a good idea, but what I did not say is that I have little idea of the benefits of jumping rope simply because I have not incorporated it into my workout routines.  yes me, the guy who advocates to try any and all exercises I some how lost sight of jumping rope.  So I went and bought a jump rope at the store and come to some very quick conclusions.  Before I get to those however I just wanted to point out that although something like jumping rope has been around for decades it does not mean it is less effective.  I am learning that the hard way at the moment.  All that to say there are benefits of jumping rope and if you want to know the ones I have found in this short time, then keep on reading.

What I Quickly Found Out About Jumping Rope

After I purchased the jump rope I went home with an intention to simply do just that, jump rope for 10 minutes.  Being way out of practice it took me a couple restarts to find my groove without having the rope get tangled on my legs and feet.  Within 5 minutes I knew that there were some pretty strong benefits of jumping rope, here are the top three benefits of jumping rope I found:

  1. It give you on heck of a cardio workout.  If you simply just jump rope with no variations you will notice that it gets your heart rate up rather quickly.  Within 10 minutes I had a strong sweat going and my calves were burning a bit.
  2. It can work your core like crazy.  I would say within the first five minutes I started to shuffle my feet, get into a squat position and jump rope from that fix position, I did doubles, and a few different variations that all require not only leg strength but core strength.  If you simply clench your abs while jump roping you will feel it.  I was truly surprised as how effective it worked my core
  3. It helps increase your agility and leg endurance, especially with the variations.  The more variations I threw into the 10 minute jump rope routine the harder it got, the more I was out of breath, and the more I was sweating.  That is probably why jumping rope is a staple in a boxers training routine.

I consider myself a novice in jumping rope, and have only seen a small sampling of the benefits of jumping rope.  But I know for a fact that I am going to put jumping rope into my workout routines from here on out.  In fact, I have jumped rope each day since I bought my jump rope.  It has already helped me build more muscle endurance in my legs which is a target of mine as of late.  The benefits of jumping rope are quickly paying off I must say.

Here is a good video by a fellow fitness blogger Srdjan where he shows you 23 jump rope exercises you can do:

[Just from simply watching the video you can see the benefits of jumping rope]

Final Thoughts on The Benefits of Jumping Rope

I know that there are far more benefits of jumping rope than I know of at the moment.  I would love if you would leave a comment as to what benefits of jumping rope you have found and if you know of a good routine.  Since I am new at this I am all ears for any ideas and feedback.  One thing is for sure, I am going to keep jumping rope and incorporate that into my routines moving forward.  I know I am just at the very early stages of knowing all of the benefits of jumping rope and that is a good place to be I must say.

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