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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Shrink Your Waistline

Did You Know That...

"Arnold Schwarzenegger called this the most crucial area for 
mastering your physique!"

Are You Spending All Your Time Working Every Muscle Area 
but the Most Important?

Fail to get this area right and the rest of your training 
won't add up to much at all.  Unfortunately many people fall 
into this trap.

Have you been putting most of your training emphasis on 
the wrong areas?

Checkout How to Get Your Abs to Show

     Fitness Tips For 1/13/2016

Core Stability Training

Why did the apple go to the gym? To workout his core! The key stabilising muscles for the lower body are the transversus abdominus (deep abdominal muscle), multifidus (small back muscles) and gluteals (buttocks). Trans Abs Learn to 'scoop' the lower part of your stomach, below the navel, "up and in" to activate the 'trans abs' Make a point of "scooping" during exercise to help teach the muscles to recruit automatically. It is beneficial to practice scooping at different intensities depending on the demands of the movement. For example, 'scoop' with a 30% effort during driving and standing in queues, and increase above 80% when lifting a heavy weight. Multifidus These are small muscles that stabilise the vertebrae of your back and are often recruited as a result of successful trans ab 'scooping'. To identify these muscles, stand in neutral, and place the fingers of your left hand slightly left of the middle of your lower back - now wave your right arm up and down - you should feel the multifidus muscles activate. Gluteals Your main power generators, the 'glutes' provide control and contribute to a stable base. They support the lower back and hamstrings and should be regarded as your 'engine' for hip extension. Your 'glutes' are your power generators! Upper Body Muscles Your upper body stability incorporates your shoulder girdle and acts as an anchor for your arm movements through rotator cuff muscles. Similar to the lower body power zone muscles, the cuff can be trained to provide a solid base for arm movement. Lower and upper power zones form your core stability How do I train for Core Stability? The abdominal muscles, key stabilisers, are often only trained with sit-ups, and this trunk curling movement does not necessarily relate to the abdominal's functional role in supporting your trunk while running, tackling, or changing direction quickly. They rarely access the most important abdominal muscles of all - the 'transversus abdominis' and the small back muscles, the 'multifidus'. By performing sit-ups you would be training the abdominals as mobilisers. The rectus abdominis (six pack) is the key mobiliser muscle, and your aim is not to concentrate on the curling movement of this muscle but the supporting capacity of the 'trans abs'. An unrivalled tool for recruiting and developing your core muscles is the Swiss Ball, (also known as an exercise ball, gym ball, or Fitball) a unique fitness aid that 'wakes up' the core stabilisers. Your level of flexibility has an influence on your body alignment and posture. A variety of exercises on the ball can be used to target muscle groups while activating the core stabilisers. Your training options for core stability development include: Swiss ball training - an unrivalled tool for developing core stability. Floor and partner - no equipment needed - follow the principles and you have plenty of options. Following a period of progressive Core Stability training, you will automatically activate the correct muscles - this is the essence of core stability training for total fitness. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us
Core Stability Training

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