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CrossFit Home Workouts

Get Lean Quick 14 Day Fat Loss Kit

I finished my two week "Get Lean Quick" program. My first week I lost 15 lbs, second week 10 lbs, a total 25 lb loss. I was 220 lbs and went to 195 lbs, I am 58 yrs 5' 10" tall. The program was very easy to follow, and I did not have to starve myself. Thanks for your help and guidance, you have always taken the time to answer all my emails. I will continue to keep the fat off. This program has taught me important info on nutrition and exercise.

Thank you!

Mike G.

We are happy to announce the New Get Lean Quick 14 day kit is in and available for immediate shipment. We send by priority mail, so you can get started in just a few days!

For full information go to https://www.trulyhuge.com/get-lean-quick.html

You can also order Get Lean Quick by calling 800-635-8970 or 503-648-1898, 10 am to 6 pm PST

Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 5/5/2021

CrossFit Equipment: Here's What You Need to Do CrossFit at Home

CrossFit Home Workouts

CrossFit is a popular fitness program that focuses on variety to keep you gaining month after month. That flexibility and the wide variety of associated exercises can be overwhelming for the beginner, though.

The good news is, it doesn’t have to be so complicated!

The following seven pieces of equipment are enough to get started with your own, solid CrossFit setup.


Like any good workout program, CrossFit routines will have you lifting weights on a regular basis.

While you won’t be hitting the same movements all the time, you will be returning to the big moves like squats, cleans, snatches, and jerks again and again. To get stronger and more fit, you’ll have to increase your weights on these exercises over time.

That means you’ll need a sturdy barbell that can take the abuse you’re going to dish out. The best value for the long run will be to invest in an Olympic bar.

Weight Plates

You won’t get very far in your program if you just lift the empty bar every workout. You need to add weights as your strength improves, so a set of plates to fit your bar is essential.

Many, if not most, CrossFit moves are dynamic and have you changing directions quickly. When it comes to weightlifting, this often involves bouncing the plates off the floor.

To accommodate this action, you can either buy thick, padded flooring OR you can by bumper plates that have the rubberized padding built in.

Power (or Safety) Rack

Because you will (eventually) be moving big weights using CrossFit, you need a way to safely load your barbell. You also need some way to escape from a failed lift without suffering a debilitating injury.

A solid power rack fits both of these needs, as it provides adjustable cradles that hold your bar while loading it and preparing to lift AND safety pins that can be set to just below the bottom of you normal range of motion for squats, bench presses, and other big lifts.

If you fail on the squat, you can just “sit down” until the bar rests on the pins. Then you just slide out to safety.

If you’re not ready to invest in a full power rack, then you at least need adjustable squat stands for loading your barbell.

Pull-Up Bar

There aren’t many exercises better for your back and biceps than pull-ups and chin-ups, and CrossFit makes use of both.

One of the benefits of good power racks is that most of them come with a pull-up bar built in. If you opt to forgo the rack option, then you will need to find some other way to do pull-ups and chins.

There are several tension bars that fit in standard doorways, and you can even rig up a barbell or other steel bar across different types of stands.

Medicine Ball

Medicine balls were once standard fare in gyms across the nation but fell out of favor as weight training became popular.

CrossFit has resurrected this oldie, and exercises include partner tosses, front tosses into the air, and “boulder” runs.

You can find several different models to choose from, and you can even build your own medicine ball.

Jump Rope

Boxers have known for decades that jumping rope is not just for kids on the school ground.

In fact, it is an extremely versatile activity that can improve your endurance, build your calf muscles, enhance your coordination, and maybe even provide a little bit of fun.

You don’t have to get fancy with your choice of ropes, but try to find one that feels good in your hands and has enough weight to it to prevent it from fluttering through the air like a feather.

Developing a rhythm is important when jumping rope, and fighting with your equipment can be frustrating.

Jump Boxes

CrossFit routines usually include some form of plyometrics, which involve jumping and other “explosive” moves. One of the standby exercises is the box jump, where you stand on the floor and then jump onto a box in front of you.

Different box heights give you different training effects, from cardio work to anaerobic leg training.

If you’re handy, you can build the boxes on your own, or you can opt for pre-built models.

Be Creative!

One of the intriguing aspects of CrossFit is that it has you doing so many different moves, you should never get bored. You can take that same philosophy into choosing your exercise equipment.

Just because your workout of the day (WOD) calls for barbell cleans does not mean you can’t substitute kettlebell cleans or high medicine ball tosses instead.

Indeed you have a lot of leeway when putting together your CrossFit gym, but these seven pieces will take you a long way!

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