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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For 1/1/2014

Cheat Meal Damage Control

Stop the Sugar Spike Do you slip up and have junk food on occasion? You probably have a lot of company as many people struggle with containing their sweet tooth. Even top bodybuilders occasionally blow it. In fact one professional was found with an empty doughnut box in his car after having polished off the entire dozen in a single eating spree. Don't panic if you do "fall off the wagon" and eat something that is not nutritious. You can still remedy the problem with a nifty little trick. The key is to know what to do and to do it quickly. Timing is important and can help you overcome your junk food slip. If you eat a sugary substance, such as a candy bar, fudge, or anything else that is predominantly sugar, or in some cases, all sugar, you need to cover that sugar intake. When you eat something that is predominately or totally refined sugar, you set your body up for a spike in your blood sugar level, followed shortly by a big drop off in energy. This surge, spike and drop is like a rollercoaster for your energy level and can also affect your emotions. You want to avoid these surge spikes and drops as much as possible. They wreck havoc on the body, killing long term energy levels and also causing the body to put on fat. There is one smart trick you can employ to rescue yourself - cover the sugar intake. If you did break down and have something that is predominantly or totally refined sugar, cover it with another food item that has some complex carbs or fiber or fat or protein or some mixture of all. Protein, fat, complex carbs and fiber all act as a brake on your system and help prevent a sugar crash. Someone who eats a sugary item by itself will have much more problems physically than someone who adds other slower digested food items. You don't have to get fancy - you can do something as simple as eating a few tablespoons of oats. This will slow your system down and help prevent a spike from occurring. Or simply eat an apple or a handful of figs. Or have a bowl of chili. All of these items will help you overcome the danger of the sugar spike. You might not always have access to your pantry or refrigerator, so another trick is to have a bottle of fiber nearby so that you can ingest a few teaspoons and instantly get things going your way. It might be smart to have a bottle of fiber at work if that is where you sometimes eat sugary items. By "covering" your sugar intake with some slow digesting food items you can salvage a bad situation and help your body out. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us
Cheat Meal Damage Control, Stop Blood Sugar Spikes

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