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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For For 5/25/2011

Food Separation Theory

by Kristi Lees

By eating the right types of food in the most appropriate combinations,
or rather by separating your foods from each other correctly, you can 
greatly enhance your digestion, your health, your life. The great 
thing about food separation is that it can be applied to any nutrition
plan you choose to follow whether it is: high protein, low fat, 
vegetarian, gluten free or any other of the vast array of nutrition 
plans being promoted today. 

As nature has it, there are three main food groups: carbohydrates, fats
and proteins. In their natural, unadulterated state carbohydrate based
foods are low in both protein and fat. Protein based foods on the other 
hand have certain amounts of fat present and contain little to no 
carbohydrates. If we can observe this law in the kitchen we can save 
ourselves a lot of digestive discomfort and retain more energy to make
it through the many trials and tribulations of everyday life. 

According to America's #1 online nutritionist, Don Lemmon, the body 
only knows how to process foods as they come in nature. By simply 
following this natural pattern and allowing the body to recgonise 
which type of food it is eating (carb low fat or protein with fat) 
miracles can happen. "When you force someone to do something against
their will, they might do as told but they do not like it. Ask them
to do it often enough and they will quit on you," says Don. The same 
thing can be said for the digestive system, if it is forced day after 
day to exceed its limits, sooner or later something is bound to 
give in. 

The body is designed to have balance, not confusion. If you allow it 
to do things most efficiently (with the help of food separation) 
everything comes out better. So to clarify, low/no fat carbohydrate 
meals or moderate fat protein meals are what we are striving for to 
create the most effective balance and the most efficient digestion. 

The fundamental rule here is that simple meals are easier for the 
body to digest. Too much elaborate food not only causes digestive 
disturbance, it also encourages even the strictest eater to 
overindulge. Consequences of such episodes can result in: bloating, 
gas (or both) caused by food fermentation in the gut, lethargy due to
the increased amount of energy being directed to the digestive 
process, decreased nutrient assimilation as well as release of toxic 
by products into the blood stream. All things best avoided if we are
striving for an optimally running body, a stable weight and 
enhanced health. 

Here is an analogy that Don shared with me, "If you went to work 
spending your days cleaning up messes instead of having an efficient
and regular schedule, you fall behind and cannot possibly get 
everything done. You become stressed and issues build up as things 
are never taken care of because you assume someone else will handle 
them; issues that if you let go too long only get worse because it 
was your job, not anyone elses, to tackle." By separating the food 
groups accordingly you can help assist the digestive schedule by 
making it more effective and allowing it to work so efficiently that
it will no longer need the help of other organs or extra energy to do
its job. When the digestive process is impaired, other organs are 
often called in to help clean up the mess, (particularly the liver) 
placing greater stress on all of the body's systems. 

Food separation assists in the upkeep and function of not only the 
digestive system but of the whole body, "The body works best when all 
the fuels are supplied and the motor is kept clean," adds Don. This 
way of eating is a great way of keeping the motor clean. 

Some people seem to be less affected by poor food combination choices
than others due to a stronger digestive system. But just because you 
may not feel the immediate effects as some people do, it is important 
not to take your digestive system for granted. It does a lot of work 
so the least we can do is make its job as easy as possible. 

"The first thing a person notices besides looking differently in the 
mirror after a day or two (yes, that fast) is that they aren't belching 
or tooting as often" remarks Don. "Food doesn't seem to sit in the 
belly all day long like it used to." These are all signs of enhanced 
digestion and enhanced digestion will inevitably lead to greater 

For more information on Don Lemmon's Program go to Don Lemmon diet

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Food Separation Theory

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