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     Fitness Tips For 8/17/2011

How Much Should You Eat To Gain Muscle

By Rob Hope

A lot of people get advice to eat a lot of junk food in order to bulk
up. Now, in the short term, you will put weight on very quickly - but 
a lot of it will be FAT.

It is a myth that you need to eat as much as possible in order to 
bulk up...

This means that when you come to diet, you have a lot of fat to lose
and you will look worst than when you did at the start.

You should stick to the clean foods I advise you to eat in the 'Non 
Stop Natural Growth' training program, during your off season or 
bulking up phase...

You can eat a higher quantity of these foods because they are 

In your bulking up phase, you can eat more carbs such as porridge, 
rice and potatoes. Also, you can have your treats on the weekend.

This all means that when you come to diet you haven't got to lose 
LOADS of fat and you will have put on more quality muscle on your 

If you eat quality food you will make quality muscle gains.

A lot of people forget about their diet and invest all their money 
on as many supplements as they can possibly buy!...

The supplement industry is massive and it's easy to get carried away.

You have to remember the *basics*.

If you have a bad diet, it doesn't matter how many supplements you 
take if your diet isn't right...

Your diet is the foundation to your physique.

Get your diet correct first and then once you are getting gains, then
move onto introducing supplements. 
Remember, get your diet right FIRST and then start using supplements!

As the name suggests, they are SUPP-lements NOT replacements.

Editor's note: Be sure to checkout Rob Hope's workout secrets...

"Here Is The Secret Muscle-Building System One Man Used 
To Become A Natural Mr. Universe!"

You're about to discover: 

How One Man Started Out 'Skinny Guy' And Ended Up A Bona Fide 
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Like Muscle Growth 

Why You Must Stop Everything You're Doing Right Now To Discover How
You Too Can Be On Your Way To Bigger Muscle Gains Than You Thought 
Possible...Starting Tomorrow 

Go to Rob Hope's Non Stop Natural Muscle Growth System

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How Much Should You Eat To Gain Muscle

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