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How to Make Your Diet Easier

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Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 5/29/2019

Here's a Cool Trick to Make Your Diet Easier

What’s the hardest part about diet? For most lifters, it’s the hunger and general discomfort that comes along with reduced calories, but finding and preparing appropriate meals, along with counting calories, runs a close second. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were an easy way to make sure that you’re hitting your daily calorie goals without so much hassle?

Luckily, there is such a trick, and anyone can use it to make getting leaner (or larger) easier.

What is this secret technique?

Simple — eat the same meals every day.

If you think this sounds impossible and boring, then you might want to consider the reasoning behind this approach.

Why Eating the Same Everyday Can Improve Your Physique

Whether you’re trying to gain or lose (or even maintain your weight), you first need to figure out how many calories you should be eating on a consistent basis. Once you do that, then you have to make sure that each meal gives you enough protein, fruits & vegetables, complex carboydrates, and healthy fats to keep you healthy and training hard.

Of course, you ALSO need to make sure that each meal falls within an acceptable calorie range (usually 300-700) and that your daily caloric intake is on-point with your goals.

Working out a plan that fits all of those criteria can take a lot of time and effort for even ONE day, but of course, you need to eat well EVERY day for months or years in order to see real progress in your physical development. Can you really afford to spend hours a day trying to figure out what you should be eating AND preparing those meals?

If you’re like most modern lifters, the answer to that is a resounding “no” because we’re all busier than every before.

And that’s where good old boring uniform eating swoops in to save the day.

Once you hone in on your perfect breakfast, for example, is there any reason you can’t eat the same thing tomorrow and the day after and in the days after that? And if you DO eat the same thing, will you have to calculate all of the protein, carbs, fat, and calories that meal provides you every time?

No way!

When you find a meal that works for you, all you have to do is prepare it and eat it, and you can rest assured that it meets all of your dietary criteria. Put together a standard staple meal plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and you always have a no-brainer go-to meal that you can trust.

Why Eating the Same Doesn’t Have to Be So Boring

Of course, you may not be thrilled about the idea of eating the same foods day after day, but think of it this way: how many different protein sources do you eat in a week when you’re NOT specifically targeting a uniform diet?

Three? Four?

The truth is that there aren’t that many different foods that most people like and can get on a regular basis anyway. Uniform eating just forces you to line them up in certain combinations to achieve the nutritional profile you’re looking for.

But it’s really not much different than what most lifters do anyway.

Spread those three or four protein sources across your daily meals, for instance, and you’ve got variety AND solid meals you can make in your sleep.

And, the real beauty of uniform eating is that it removes one of the variables from your fitness program. Because you’ll be eating the same way every day, you will have a much better idea of what effects changes to your training routine have on your physique, and you’ll be able to assess the benefits of changing your overall calorie level much quicker.

Uniform Warnings

You do need to make sure that your eating doesn’t become so rigid that you miss out on vital nutrients. Fill your standard meals with a variety of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, and whole grains, and you should be fine, but a multivitamin supplement can be helpful, too.

And, as always, check with your doctor before making any big dietary changes.

For most lifters, though, uniform eating is the surest way to get a solid handle on your nutritional program for the long haul.

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