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Lift To Get Ripped

Get Lean Quick 14 Day Fat Loss Kit

I finished my two week "Get Lean Quick" program. My first week I lost 15 lbs, second week 10 lbs, a total 25 lb loss. I was 220 lbs and went to 195 lbs, I am 58 yrs 5' 10" tall. The program was very easy to follow, and I did not have to starve myself. Thanks for your help and guidance, you have always taken the time to answer all my emails. I will continue to keep the fat off. This program has taught me important info on nutrition and exercise.

Thank you!

Mike G.

We are happy to announce the New Get Lean Quick 14 day kit is in and available for immediate shipment. We send by priority mail, so you can get started in just a few days!

For full information go to Get Ripped in 14 Days

You can also order Get Lean Quick by calling 800-635-8970 or 503-648-1898, 10 am to 6 pm PST

Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 11/6/2019

How Should You Lift If You're Trying to Get Ripped?

Most weight trainers have two primary goals over the long term: get bigger and get leaner. But, it’s sometimes confusing to know how you should be working out when you’re focusing on one target or another, such as when you’re trying to get ripped.

So, how should you lift when you’re trying to shed fat?

The answer will depend in some part to your long-term goals, your specific genetics, and your lifestyle, but there are some principles that apply to just about everyone.

Muscle Is Active Tissue

The first thing that bodybuilders and other lifters need to realize when it comes to shedding fat is that muscle is your friend. Heck, muscle is always your friend as an iron head, but that’s especially true when you slip into a caloric deficit.

The reason that muscle mass is so important is that it’s active tissue — even when you’re just lying around, your muscles maintain at least some tension, or tonus, and that requires energy.

In other words, your muscles burn calories all the time, and they can be your secret weapon in burning fat. All things being equal, a 150-pound man with 20% body fat will burn more calories a day than a 150-pound man with 30% body fat because the first guy has more muscle.

Your training, then, should be focused on maintaining or increasing your muscle mass while you get lean.

How to Build (or Maintain) Muscle

In truth, it’s darn near impossible for most lifters to build muscle while they shed fat once they’re past the beginner stage, which usually encompasses just a few months of training.

Even so, your weight-training goal during periods of weight loss should still be the same as it was when you were “bulking” — add reps to your sets or poundage to the bar whenever possible, aiming to build more muscle than you had before.

While you probably won’t be able to gain much if any muscle while your calories are reduced, by always focusing on progressive resistance training, you can ensure that your muscles are constantly challenged and have a reason to stick around.

Many guys, by contrast, will shift into “pump” mode when they go on a fat-loss regimen, but this is generally a mistake. Without intense training, your muscles will begin to atrophy, and your body will kick in to try and shrink them.

After all, muscle is expensive since it requires calories to maintain, and if you’re running at a deficit, your body will want to eliminate that energy sink. You have to give it a reason to hold on to what you have, and that means hard, heavy training.

Now, you may have to make some concessions as you get leaner, because carrying excess fat and eating a lot tend to give your joints a bit more cushion, in the form of both fat and retained water. As you drop weight and cut your intake, both of these buffers will be diminished.

As a precaution against joint injury, it may be a good idea to lighten your weights slightly and go for higher reps, but your overall volume should still be relatively low and you should still train to or near failure on a regular basis.

Stick to Your Guns

The bottom line is that you need to keep training your muscles hard even when you’re on a diet if you want to maintain as much lean mass as possible.

As always, check with your doctor before starting any new training or eating regimen, then march into your fat loss program with the confidence that you’re going to do all you can to keep or build muscle mass along the way.

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