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Massage for Bodybuilding

Ecdy-Bolin Review

"Hello Paul,

I was thinking about which Supplement has gave me the best gains and I would have to say it is the Ecdy-Bolin. Even though I contribute my strength gains to it, I am also trimming down dramatically.

I went from 10% fat to 8%, without trying to do so at all. In fact I am properly eating more.

Also my lifting capacity has rose in every exercise by 25 lbs. For example my bench went from 375 lb to 400 lb and still doing the 10 reps within 2 months, Now I find that awesome.

My muscle size increased by an average of 1/2 inches and that is no big deal, except it happened while I was burning fat and not trying. Besides taking the Ecdy-Bolin I did not change a thing!



For more Info on Ecdy-Bolin and how you can get a Russian Training Cycles Program go to: Ecdy-Bolin

You can also order Ecdy-Bolin by calling 800-635-8970 or 503-648-1898, 10 am to 6 pm PST

Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 5/16/2018

Massage for Muscle Recovery and Growth

When you are looking to promote muscle growth you don't always have to look in the traditional places. You can do some things out of the gym that promote great muscle growth as well. One of these is massage. Yes, getting your muscles massaged can help them grow.

There are several beneficial things that happen to the muscles when they are massaged that can enhance the growth cycle.

Toxin Flush

One of the first things that occurs in a good massage is that bad toxins are flushed out of the area. Massage helps this process speed up, and the quicker you can flush out the toxins, the quicker your muscles can focus on what they need to do - grow.

Good Nutrients

A good massage not only gets rid of bad toxins, it also brings in good nutrients via the blood and oxygen. Getting more blood and oxygen to the muscles is vital for good growth. In fact the more, the merrier. So massage helps exponentially in this way, bringing a type of vacuum that is then filled by the blood and oxygen, which in turn delivers nutrients to the body where it needs it the most. And massage does this quickly.


One more benefit to massaging the muscles is that massaged muscles are muscles that are more flexible. And the more flexible the muscle, the more muscle that can be built up. So in this manner increasing massage increases flexibility which in turn increases muscle growth.

Deep Pain Release

Another benefit is that massage (the right type of massage) can release pain that is deep in the fiber of the muscles, making it easier to work out in upcoming workouts.

Massage has a host of benefits for building bigger muscles and enhancing overall health, so give it a shot in the near future.

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