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Mike Mentzer Chest Workout

Introducing The New Mike Mentzer High Intensity Training Book...

Mike Mentzer and Me: My Heavy Duty Journal of High Intensity Training The Logical Approach to Bodybuilding

If you want to make the best progress with High Intensity Training you can't just follow a routine you found online, you need to fully understand the theory and practice of it so you can make any necessary adjustments so that it will actually work for you.

I wrote this book to share with you everything I learned over the past 45 years, what works, what doesn't and how to tailor High Intensity Training for your own unique body, exercise tolerance and recovery ability.

Go to https://www.trulyhuge.com/mike-mentzer-book.html

Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 1/31/2024

Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty Chest Workout Routine

Mike Mentzer Chest Routine

Mike Mentzer, renowned bodybuilder and advocate of the Heavy Duty training method, popularized a unique approach to muscle building that focused on intense, brief workouts with an emphasis on proper form and technique. This article will delve into Mike Mentzer's Heavy Duty chest workout routine, exploring his recommended exercises, techniques, and principles. By following these guidelines, you can effectively target your chest muscles, promote muscle growth, and obtain a well developed, powerful chest.

Mike Mentzer believed in training the chest muscle group with maximum intensity, utilizing heavy weights and low repetition ranges. His workout routine emphasizes quality over quantity, promoting shorter training sessions with adequate recovery time in between. The Heavy Duty training principles include high intensity, brief workouts, sufficient rest for muscle recovery, and progressive resistance training.

Mike Mentzer Chest Exercises

The following are Mike Mentzer's recommended chest exercises:

Incline Bench Press

The incline bench press targets the upper chest muscles. Begin by adjusting a bench to a 30-45 degree incline. Lie on the bench and grasp the barbell with a grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Lower the barbell with control to your upper chest, and then explode upwards, pushing the barbell back to the starting position. Perform 6-10 repetitions, focusing on maintaining proper form.

Dumbbell Flyes

Dumbbell flyes are effective for isolating the pectoral muscles and increasing chest width. Lie on a flat bench, holding a pair of dumbbells with your palms facing each other. Begin with extended arms, and slowly lower the weights in a wide arc until you feel a stretch in your chest. Return to the starting position, focusing on squeezing your pectoral muscles at the top of the movement. Perform 8-12 repetitions, maintaining control and form throughout.

Chest Dips

Chest dips target the lower portion of the chest while engaging the triceps and shoulders. Find a parallel bar or dip station and hang with your arms locked. Keeping your body upright and chest out, lower yourself by bending your elbows until your upper arms are parallel to the ground. Push yourself back up explosively to the starting position. Perform 6-10 repetitions while maintaining proper form and engaging the chest muscles.

Mike Mentzer Chest Routine

Here is the chest workout routine that Mike Mentzer recommended in his Heavy Duty Chest course:

Incline Bench Press 1 set

Dumbbell Flyes with no rest do
Dips 2 supersets

That's it, only a few intense sets once or twice a week at most and you're on your way to bigger chest muscles!

Additional Chest Training Tips


A proper warm-up is essential to prevent injury and prepare the muscles for the intense workout ahead. Start with few lighter warm up sets tio increase blood flow and improve flexibility.

Progressive Overload Training

To achieve continuous muscle growth, Mentzer emphasized the importance of progressively increasing the weight or reps to up the intensity of your workouts. Start each exercise with a weight that allows you to perform the recommended repetitions with good form and control. Gradually increase the weight as you develop strength and confidence, but always prioritize proper form over lifting heavy weights.

Recovery and Rest

Mike Mentzer believed in the importance of sufficient recovery time for muscle growth. After completing the Heavy Duty chest workout, allow enough rest for your chest muscles to recover and rebuild. Adequate sleep, nutrition, and hydration are essential for optimizing recovery. Aim for at least four to seven days of rest before targeting the chest muscles again.

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