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Overhead Squat Benefits

Product Reviewed: Pumped Extreme - Kre-Alkalyn Complex Creatine
Rating: 5 Star
Reviewer: Max Mussello

Out of all the Creatine's I've tried, from powdered monohydrate creatine to fancy sounding pre-made stacks, this Kre-Alkylyn complex called Pumped Extreme is hands down the best ever. The first part of this creatine review will be a Pumped Extreme Review, because it is the best creatine supplement that I have ever tried and it has given me the most muscular gains!

Having a sensitive stomach and an aversion to putting chemicals or anything unnatural in my body, this was like a miracle solution for me! Pumped Extreme comes in a capsule format, and you can avoid all the common side effects associated with traditional creatine use such as cramping, diarrhea, indigestion, anxiety attacks, etc. This was my experience anyway, and I cannot tell you that creatine works like illegal steroids, because it doesn't. I can tell you though that I have used many different brands in the past with minimal results, and now that I have used Pumped Extreme I have actually seen some great gains in strength AND muscle SIZE, and I haven't had any negative side affects! I have used it for over a month and a half to date!

For full details go to Pumped Extreme

You can also order Pumped Extreme by calling 800-635-8970 or 503-648-1898, 10 am to 6 pm PST

Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 3/14/2018

Benefits of the Overhead Squat

Overhead squats might not sound like a movement that will help you increase lean body mass, but it does. Most people are staring at a computer screen hunched over their desk all day with their shoulders flexed forward, but the problem is that when they go to gym they end up training their mirror muscles.

If the torso is constantly flexed, your shoulders and your scapulae will be pulled forward, this can make you feel that it's impossible to have strong shoulders with arms above and behind your head. The overhead squat teaches your body how to extend.

Your thoracic spine together with your abdominal muscles have to learn backward flexion as easily as forward flexion. Your core strength comes from the strength and flexibility of your thoracic spine. Overhead squats help increase core strength which improves your athletic ability, which help you lift heavier weights.

The overhead squat is able to increase your mobility, your stability and your strength. Whether you are aware of it or not, anyone with a tight, over-lifted pecs causing the shoulders and the upper back to pull forward, needs to do overhead squats.

Anyone with a rigid thoracic spine who can't extend correctly should do overhead squats. Lastly but most importantly, overhead squats should be done by anyone who wants to increase their core strength. Starting off with overhead squats is tough at first, so make sure that you start with a lighter weight than you think you should.

Everyone knows the importance of a healthy spine and avoiding back and/or shoulder injuries is vitally important for anyone who trains with weights on a regular basis. The lither and more capable your body is the less pain/discomfort you will feel when sitting in the same position all day.

It should be noted that if you struggle doing a regular squat because your knees collapse when you push up from the bottom of a squat, it's going to get worse when you're doing an overhead squat. The movement uses all the muscles in your body, your lower back, calves, glutes and hamstrings are all directly involved in performing this movement correctly.

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