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Pre Workout Checklist

The Ultimate Pre Workout Supplement Stack

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Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 1/17/2018

Checklist Before Workout

Preparing for a hard workout session is like preparing for battle, we need a checklist as well as the motivation to act on that checklist, but first we need a checklist. Some of the issues covered in the checklist below might seem obvious to you however it should always be considered.

Never train when you are tired:

In order to give the best of yourself you need to make sure that you are fully recuperated and rested for the workout ahead.

Review your goals:

If you do not keep a workout journal, you should as this will enable you to physically look at your objective for the coming workout. The body-part you are going to train, the sets and reps and the heaviest weight you want to lift.

Eat/drink your pre-workout meal:

Going into a high intensity workout without eating is just looking for trouble. If we want to get the best use of the tough workout ahead we need to get all the required protein, carbs and fat that we will need to sustain ourselves even if it is only a 30 minute workout.

Caffeine is your friend:

A cup of coffee together with your pre-workout meal before you start your workout could work wonders if you do not feel like training. Studies show that caffeine can blunt pain and delay fatigue when training with a high intensity.

A cold shower:

Most people have a shower after the workout but if you are not feeling up to a tough workout ahead, having a cold shower will make a huge difference, wake you up and re-motivate you.

Don't do cardio:

Doing any cardio before you start a high intensity workout is only going to tire you out and damage your form, the weight you can lift and the contractibility of your muscle fibers when you are exhausted before you start.

Don't stretch:

It may sound strange but studies done on the subject show that stretching a muscle will compromise strength when training at your peak.


It is always a good idea to prepare the tunes you listen to when you train. Some music works better than others so you should experiment and see what works best.

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