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Simple Calorie Counting

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Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 1/6/2021

Here Is a Simple Way to Count Calories

Calorie Counting Bodybuilding

Whether you’re trying to gain or lose — or even if you’re trying to maintain your weight — chances are you’re going to end up counting calories at some point. After all, energy is a major governor of whether you gain or lose.

Take in more calories than you burn off over the long haul, and you’ll probably gain weight. On the other hand, if you eat less than you burn, you’re going to lose it most of the time.

If you’ve ever dieted, though, you know that counting calories can be boring at best, especially if you’re working on a long-range goal.

The good news is that you don’t have to count calories all the time in order to make your physique goals if you rely on one simple concept — uniformity in eating.

What Is Uniformity In Eating?

At its base, uniformity in eating means finding a set of foods and meals that meet your nutritional needs and then sticking with them — usually day after day, but certainly week after week.

One of the reasons that counting calories can be so daunting is that it’s tough to sit down before every meal and sort through all the options you might have at any given time. Should you have salmon or chicken? And on the side, should you go for the rice or the green beans? And you do need to figure this out before you eat, because you can’t adjust your calories AFTER the meal is in your gut.

With uniformity, though, you will spend some time up front putting together a list (even if its just mental) of what foods you like and what their nutritional content is, and then you’ll build your meals around that list. In truth, most of us will have only a handful of protein and carb sources that we can use and trust on a regular basis, and those are ones that meet three criteria: we like (or can tolerate) them, they meet our nutritional goals, they are readily available.

Use these foods as your staples to build a uniform eating plan.

How to Use Uniformity

In order to put nutritional uniformity into action, you first need to figure out how many calories you should be eating on a daily basis. Once you do that, take a look at your list of foods that you like, can get, and are good for you. Now, from that list construct a series of example “meals” that meet these criteria:

An example breakfast might be oatmeal with protein powder and fruit, while lunch could be a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread with Greek yogurt and an apple.

Once you have your list of meals, cycle through them each day and don’t add or subtract anything.

The most basic application of this type of uniformity in eating has you chowing on the same three or four meals each day, though you CAN rotate out one meal for another with the same nutritional profile.

You will probably need to adjust your meals, too, as your goals and energy levels change. Some people also need an occasional change to avoid taste boredom.

But the beauty of building a “catalog” of go-to meal choices is that you will hardly ever need to actually count calories. Do the legwork up front, and then all you have to do is eat, train, and gain or lose.

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