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Squat to Press Exercise

Product Reviewed: Pumped Extreme - Kre-Alkalyn Complex Creatine
Rating: 5 Star
Reviewer: Max Mussello

Out of all the Creatine's I've tried, from powdered monohydrate creatine to fancy sounding pre-made stacks, this Kre-Alkylyn complex called Pumped Extreme is hands down the best ever. The first part of this creatine review will be a Pumped Extreme Review, because it is the best creatine supplement that I have ever tried and it has given me the most muscular gains!

Having a sensitive stomach and an aversion to putting chemicals or anything unnatural in my body, this was like a miracle solution for me! Pumped Extreme comes in a capsule format, and you can avoid all the common side effects associated with traditional creatine use such as cramping, diarrhea, indigestion, anxiety attacks, etc. This was my experience anyway, and I cannot tell you that creatine works like illegal steroids, because it doesn't. I can tell you though that I have used many different brands in the past with minimal results, and now that I have used Pumped Extreme I have actually seen some great gains in strength AND muscle SIZE, and I haven't had any negative side affects! I have used it for over a month and a half to date!

For full details go to Pumped Extreme Kre-Alkalyn Creatine

You can also order Pumped Extreme by calling 800-635-8970 or 503-648-1898, 10 am to 6 pm PST

Bodybuilding and Fitness Newsletter 12/21/2022

Squat to Press Exercise and Workout

Finding time to workout for a lot of people is a hard challenge.  I remember the days when I was working an exhaustive amount of hours and had no energy or focus to workout.  I also remember working full time and going to graduate school with essentially no time to workout.  I say all of this because exercises like the squat to press are a fantastic way to get a whole lot done in little time.  If you simply to the squat to press exercise with a couple other quick exercises you can get a total body workout done in no time which is always one of my main focuses when working out.  So keep reading how to do the squat to press exercises as well as a little workout that uses it.

So What Is The Squat to Press Exercise?

The squat to press exercise is exactly what it sounds like it is, a squat followed by a shoulder press.  In order to do the squat to press exercise you will need a pair of dumbbells or resistance bands.  Keep in mind that you should start of with low weight (no more than 20lbs for each dumbbell) until you get the hang of the fluid motion.  Using a low weight will also help build muscle endurance as well.  When you increase the weight you will be putting more pressure on your spine, so you form will need to be perfect as you increase your weight.  My focus at the moment is more on muscle endurance (which the workout will focus on in this post).

The main reason I like the squat to press exercise is that you are using a lot of muscles with one movement.  Your legs, core, shoulders, triceps, traps, and forearms are all being utilized in this one exercise.  All that is left is your chest, biceps, and back which we will take care of with the workout I will have for you soon.  In order to ensure that you are doing the squat to press correctly, check out the video below for proper form:


[Make sure to keep your chest up, eyes looking upward when doing the squat and chin and eyes looking down when doing the press]

Now that you know how to do the squat to press exercise correctly it is now time for a quick workout.  Do up to 5 rounds of this workout, each exercise will last for one minute. Do not rest until you have finished one round (which has three exercises) Check out the workout below:

Exercise #1 Squat to Press for 1 minute.  Pick the right weight here.  I usually shift between 25lbs and 30 lbs for this exercise.

Exercise #2 Pull Ups or Bodyweight Rows.   You can do either pull ups or bodyweight rows for this exercise.  This will get your bicep and back work in for this workout.  You can choose any hand placement you want but know that doing pull ups or bodyweight rows for 1 minute straight is no easy task.  Use a chair for support if needed, especially if you are doing 5 rounds of this workout.

Exercise #3 Push ups.  Now it is time to focus on your chest.  Same thing applies here as it did for the pull ups or bodyweight rows.  You can choose whatever type of push up you want.  If you begin to fatigue go to your knees but keep trying to stay busy for the full minute each round.

Closing Thoughts On The Squat to Press Exercise

To me it is pretty simple actually, do the squat to press exercise.  You will get a whole lot done in less time and you will quickly muscle endurance or muscle mass if you are using heavy weight.  Your form is vitally important while doing the squat to press exercise so do not compromise it.  The last thing you want to do is tweak your back because of bad form.  Give the squat to press exercise a try and let me know what you think

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