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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Did You Know That...

"Arnold Schwarzenegger called this the most crucial area for 
mastering your physique!"

Are You Spending All Your Time Working Every Muscle Area 
but the Most Important?

Fail to get this area right and the rest of your training 
won't add up to much at all.  Unfortunately many people fall 
into this trap.

Have you been putting most of your training emphasis on 
the wrong areas?

Checkout The Incredible Shrinking Waist

     Fitness Tips For 4/10/2013

How To Do Stomach Vacuum Exercise

If you are one of the many people that train their abs all the time 
and still get no results as far as a smaller waist then you need to 
learn about the stomach vacuum exercise. 

It needs to be said here that it does come along with some 
pre-requisites which are clean eating habits, adequate water intake, 
and a low  at percentage. Depending on how you hold your weight, 
anywhere from 8 to 10% and less is needed.

It may serve to discuss some basic anatomy of the stomach as we will 
need to understand the different muscle groups if we are going to 
appreciate and do the vacuum exercise correctly. 

The abdominal region is composed of internal and external muscles. 
The external muscles are known as the Rectus Abdominus and the 
External Obliques. Crunches cause the Rectus Abdominus to flex. 
Crunching forward, 1/3 of the way up, targets the entire Rectus 

Once the movement goes past this active zone, your hip flexors come 
into play. Your obliques are targeted to a greater degree when any 
twisting action takes place, such as twisting crunches, where you 
bring your elbow to the opposite knee. Other movements are bicycle 
crunches or windscreen wipes for abs.

The Transversus Abdominus and Lumbar Multifidus are the inner 
abdominal muscles. These muscles are rarely discussed, and the most
neglected. These muscles lie beneath the Rectus Abdominus and 
External Obliques. The inner abdominal muscles support posture and 
control deep breathing during power movements, such as heavy squats.

They are responsible for back support. Since they are rarely targeted, 
they are often weaker. By building a stronger inner abdominal wall, 
you can limit and relieve back pain, create a tighter midsection, and 
add explosive power to your training.

If you want to do the stomach vacuum you should be aware of the 
muscles mentioned above if you are going to do this correctly. The 
stomach vacuum is an isometric contraction (tenses the muscle 
without moving it) of the Transversus Abdominus.

Getting a stronger Transversus Abdominus can create a stronger 
Valsalva Maneuver (the powerful exhale necessary to contract a 
muscle during an intense workload). This is one of the best 
exercises you can perform to shrink your waistline in a very short
amount of time. Many can knock 2 to 4 inches off their midsection 
in as little as 3 weeks with this technique. 

To perform the stomach vacuum simply stand up and put your hands 
behind your head. Then pull your bellybutton inward, toward your 
spine while exhaling as much air as you can. Try to visualize 
your bellybutton touching your spine. Now while taking normal
breaths hold your stomach pulled in for an isometric contraction 
of 20 to 30 seconds. As you get better at it you can increase
the hold for 40 to 60 seconds.

For more information go to Abdominal Muscle Guide

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How To Do Stomach Vacuum Exercise

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