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      FITNESS TIPS FOR 9/20/2000                  

Bodybuilding Beginner Questions Answered 
Beginner Body Building Program for a Man or a Woman
By Jay Thompson

I have been surfing alot of the sites and forums and 
have found many things to be consistent with 
beginners. Some of the common questions, with 
accompanying answers are listed below: 

1) I just started bodybuilding and would like to know 
what supplements I need to take to get big! 

There are three things that you need to concern 
yourself when beginning. Eating the right food and 
drinking enough water to keep your body functioning 
optimally; Training properly; and SLEEPING/RESTING! 
You must understand that you do not grow while 
working out. Your muscles grow in response to the 
stress placed upon them, ie. weight training. 

2) What exercises should I do? 

Assuming that you are trying to get big, you need to 
do basics. Chest=Incline Bench Press, Flat Bench 
Press, Dumbbell Flye, Dumbbell Pullovers, Dips. 
Back=Chins, DEADLIFTS, T-Bar Rows, 1 Arm Dumbbell 
Rows, Low Pulley Rows. Biceps=Standing Barbell 
Curl, Alternate Dumbbell Curl. Forearms=Wrist Curls, 
Reverse Curls, Hammer Curls. Triceps=Close Grip 
Bench Press, French Curl, Dips, Skull Crushers. 
Quads=Squats, Leg Press, Front Squats. Hams=Stiff 
Legged Deadlifts, Ham Curl. Calves=All Variations of 
the Calf Raise. These are, in my opinion, the best 
exercises for each bodypart. 

3) How do I lose the fat on my stomach? 

The answer to all variations of this question is proper 
diet and proper training. Your abs don't just come to 
you when you get big enough. You need to work them 
from the beginning. Not only does a strong mid-section 
look good, it protects you from injury by stabilizing your 
trunk. Many of the people you hear complaining about 
lower back pain have a big gut! The fact is that you 
can't lose the fat on your stomach. You can only lose 
fat throughout your body. Doing 5,000 situps a day 
won't do any good without a good diet and cardio 

4) How often should I lift? 

Train each body part ONCE A WEEK! That's it. Train no 
more than 4 days a week. On the other days, eat, sleep, 
drink water and be happy.

5) I want to gain weight and get my six pack. 

I saw this one today. This is a misnomer. You can either 
gain weight or get a six pack. You are going to have to 
choose. You really can't have the best of both worlds. In 
order to get big, you have to take in more calories than 
are required for maintenance. To cut, you must ingest 
less calories than maintenance while keeping protein 
high to prevent muscle loss. Of course once you have 
built size you can then work on getting cut.

6) Do weight gainers help? 

I saw this question and HAD to respond. Weight gainers 
are a way for the supplement companies to trick the 
beginner easily. They post an ad with some FREAK and 
say that he made his gains using this weight gain! 
Really? Ask the model endorsing the product. By saying 
you need more calories to gain weight and offering 
weight gain shakes as the answer, beginners are 
confused into thinking that they NEED weight gainers to 
get big. Fact is, you just need plenty of real, good food. 
Eat tuna, chicken breasts, lean red meat, turkey, beans, 
rice, potatoes, oatmeal, fresh veggies, etc to get big. It is 
more beneficial for you to eat properly than to drink a 
weight gainer! 

7) Why don't I get sore muscles after my workout? 

It does not mean that you have not worked your muscles 
sufficiently if you don't get sore. Work at 100% intensity, 
with perfect form and you will get results! 

8) I can't "feel" the exercise working. 

This is usually heard when someone is performing with 
too much weight in poor form. You don't get the burn in 
the muscles you are working because you are working 
every other muscle except for the "target" muscle. For 
example, many people do curls with entirely too much 
weight and are bending over backwards to "lift" the 
weight! You are going to strain your back and/or 
shoulders, along with a host of other muscles. You 
might not pick up the heaviest weights in the gym, 
but using the proper weight for your strength, you will 
benefit in the long run! Take your ego to the club and 
your ass to the gym!


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