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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
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      FITNESS TIPS FOR 4/2/2001                  

Muscle Gain Tips - Massive Muscle Gain with these Bodybuilding
Supplementation Secrets.
By Bryan Kernan 

Why do some bodybuilders make continuous gains while 
others struggle for every ounce of muscle they can get? The 
answer is accurate information.  In this article I'm going to 
reveal to you some information that has proven itself in the 
real world with other bodybuilders like yourself and in 
clinical studies. These supplementation tricks work! The 
choice is up to you if you want to take advantage of them 
or not.

Supplements can be a great way to quickly recover from 
your workout. The better you recover..the quicker you
can slap on more massive muscle. This is a sample 
bodybuilding supplementation program designed to 
help speed up your recovery from the workout and 
increase lean muscle mass.

Before your workout:

Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC)- Increases dopamine activity in 
the brain. This will result in you being more focused  
during your workout, resulting in higher lifts. A high 
dosage of 4-6 grams of it is required in order to see 
results. Take 20-30 minutes before your workout.

Ribose-  A naturally occurring sugar that facilitates 
muscle energy metabolism. Helps prolong the duration 
of a set and enhances muscle recovery. When this 
first came out I bought me a bottle of this and "loaded" it 
like creatine for some amazing results, but it is quite 
expensive at that dosage. Three grams before and after 
a workout should be noticeable though. Take it with 
your ALC 20-30 minutes before your workout.

Phosphatidlyserine- This supplement has been proven 
to reduce cortisol levels by a number of reputable 
studies. 800mg before your workout with the two 
supplements above should boost recovery ability 

During your workout:

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's) -  I am amazed 
that some bodybuilders refuse to use this supplement 
because they believe it is "old" news. I saw an email to 
the president of a large supplement company asking 
him if they were going to make a BCAA product because 
the one he was using was working so great. What was 
the president of this supplement companies response? 
That's old technology we are working on "cutting- edge" 
stuff. Translation: There's no money in it for us even 
though it obviously works great as you say. I say if it 
puts on massive muscle, who cares what it is as long 
as its safe! The mistake people were making before 
was not consuming enough of a dosage.  0.20 grams 
per pound of bodyweight taken during your workout 
will yield great strength gains.

After your workout: Post-workout shake- I am sure 
everyone already knows the importance of consuming a 
carbohydrate and protein shake.  So many studies have 
proven this works that it should be the mainstay of just 
about every bodybuilders program.

I know this would be very expensive if you tried to do
this all at once, but you can pick and try just one for a
 while. For example, start with the BCAA's during your 
workout and see how that goes. Then move on to 
others. Experiment and see what works best for you. 
These all work! How well they work for you can only 
be found out when you try it. 
Good Luck!

Note: Bryan Kernan is the author of "Bodybuilding 
Supplementation  Secrets Revealed!" This book
contains advanced supplment secrets and shows 
you how you can gain up to 15 lbs. in the next 6
weeks by discovering how to turn the supplements 
you buy at your local health food store into super 
powerful anabolic compounds! 

Click Here To Find Out How 

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