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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Are You Still Using Yesterday's Creatine Technology To Build
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For full details go to https://www.trulyhuge.com/creatine.htm 

     Fitness Tips For 6/10/2009

The Benefits of Benchmarking Workouts

By Dwayne Hines II

The latest rage in training is the approach of changing the workout program 
on a regular basis.  This approach is touted on infomercials and elsewhere.  
You can indeed make gains by switching your workout style – a training style
 known as muscle confusion.  However, there is much to be said for staying 
close to the standard exercises and using them as a benchmark for making 
gains.  Benchmarking is crucial because you need to know your former 
strength levels if you want to move beyond them.  If you are always 
switching your exercises, there is a very real chance that you won’t know 
if you are making progress.  Sure, you may become a little more muscular 
(the touted goal of the infomercials) but you may not be making real 
significant strength gains.  Worse yet, you may be switching away from 
those compound, hard-core exercises that activate the neuromuscular system
 the most.  These exercises such as the squat, clean and push/press, bench 
press and deadlift, should never be far from your workout since they have 
the power to make notable changes in your physique.

How do you go about using some muscle confusion training and yet remain 
in touch with the heavy duty exercises that mold the muscles best?  The 
key is to use benchmarking.  Benchmarking is the process of setting some 
personal records for the key lifts.  Using a notebook or training journal 
is vital to pull off good benchmarking.  It is a good idea to note your 
best lifts in the 1-3 repetition range and your best lifts in the 7-10 
repetition range.  This will let you know for certain your previous 
strength levels and help you target them when you come back from a muscle 
confusion cycle.  After all, you don’t want to spend a lot of time 
focusing all of your training effort on isolation movements that don’t 
yield significant gains.  

Benchmarking is also an excellent way to make sure you are exact in 
your best efforts.  Like the fish that got away, the tendency to 
inflate one’s weightlifting numbers is tempting.  Benchmarking removes 
that issue because it provides specific numbers at specific times.  
The thinnest line is more accurate than the strongest memory, so put 
it down in print.  That’s the essence of benchmarking, as well as 
storing your training notes where you have ready access to them.  
Go ahead and seek a short-term boost from muscle confusion training, 
but realize that benchmarking is the key to bigger, long-term gains.

Author bio

Dwayne Hines II is the Editor-at-Large for OnFitness magazine and 
has written for a variety of national magazines, including Ironman, 
MuscleMag, BlackBelt and Men’s Workout.  He has acted as a 
bodybuilding contest judge, is a certified personal trainer with 
the National Strength and Conditioning Association and has 
several bodybuilding and fitness books selling in major 
bookstores such as Barnes and Noble. 

Dwayne Hines II has just released "The Growth Zone" 

Most People Fail To Work 50% of Their Muscle Tissue!

Did you know that even bodybuilders neglect half the 
muscle tissue in the body?

It doesn’t take rocket science to build bigger muscles.  
However, it does take a certain knowledge and application 
of that knowledge in the gym and in your diet.

And the Truth is, the Sooner You Act, the Sooner Your 
Muscles Start Growing!

Checkout "The Growth Zone" at Fast Muscle Growth

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