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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Are You Still Using Yesterday's Creatine Technology To Build
The Body of Your Dreams?

If It's Not Kre-Alkalyn®, You Are.

For some, yesterday's creatine technology made getting "the 
body of their dreams" virtually impossible because using it 
meant they puffed up like a blowfish, experienced cramps or 
had stomach problems. Sure, some put up with side effects 
because that was the price they had to pay to get the 
results only creatine can give.

Imagine if you could get all the high-powered results 
from creatine… without ANY of the downside … and without 
spending a fortune. If you’re after a defined body and 
increased muscularity, or enhanced athletics there’s only
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- Kre-Alkalyn®.

Here’s Why Bodybuilders, Athletes, Fitness Models,
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Major advances in creatine analysis and processing technology 
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biggest flaw, the very one that’s responsible for all the 
bloating, cramping and side effects so many people have 
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pH level. Even better, you only have to use 1.5- 3 
grams, all without the hassles of loading or cycling. 

For full details go to https://www.trulyhuge.com/creatine.htm  

     Fitness Tips For For 10/21/2009

How To Get Bigger Biceps and Forearms Exercises

Best Biceps Exercises

Dumbbell Supinating Curls

One of the very best size-builders, this exercise engages two 
functions of the biceps muscles, curling and supinating (turning 
the hands upward). Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides, palms
toward your body. Curl them simultaneously, turning your hands 
upward as you do so. Your palms should be up about half way 
through the movement. 

Close Grip Vertical Curls

Since dumbbell curls are essentially a wide grip exercise 
effecting the outer biceps head, the second exercise is done 
with a close grip working the inner head. Use a curling bar 
taking the inside grip, or a straight bar with a 4" hand 
spacing. Lean over a vertical curling bench. On the angled 
bench, you lose tension at the top. Vertical curls provide 
resistance at the point of complete contraction, building 
that much-sought-after high biceps peak. Brace your upper 
arm firmly against the pad. Do full movements, holding the 
bar at the top for 1/2 second. Lower slowly. 

Hammer Curls

This exercise works the brachialis, the muscle between the 
biceps and triceps. If you haven't done this for a while, 
you'll notice instant size gains within days of including 
hammer curls. Do these standing or seated. I prefer 
simultaneous curls, but you can alternate arms for variety. 
start the same as you did the supination curls, palms 
toward you. Curl the dumbbells keeping the thumbs-up 

Best Forearm Exercises

Pulley Wrist Curl

Attach a revolving bar to a floor pulley cable. Squat in 
front of it, bracing your lower arms on your thighs. Lower 
the bar to your fingertips. Bring it to your palms by curling 
your fingers, then curl your knuckles toward you wrists. Hold 
and lower slowly. The pulley gives you continuous tension 
while the tension varies with a barbell. You'll feel a 
tremendous pump in the forearm flexors. 

Reverse Grip Wrist Curl

Sit on the end of a bench holding a barbell. Lower your hand 
forward, then bring it up as high as possible. You'll feel 
this in the forearm extensors level with the backs of your 

These two exercises isolate and stimulate stubborn forearm 
development. (Incidentally, reverse curls are NOT a forearm 
exercise, except in a secondary way. It would be like doing 
military presses for the triceps, or bent over rows for the 

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