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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Product Reviewed: Pumped Extreme - Kre-Alkalyn Complex Creatine
Rating: 5 Star
Reviewer: Max Mussello

Out of all the Creatine's I've tried, from powdered monohydrate creatine
to fancy sounding pre-made stacks, this Kre-Alkylyn complex called 
Pumped Extreme is hands down the best ever. The first part of this 
creatine review will be a Pumped Extreme Review, because it is the best 
creatine supplement that I have ever tried and it has given me the most 
muscular gains!

Having a sensitive stomach and an aversion to putting chemicals or 
anything unnatural in my body, this was like a miracle solution for me! 
Pumped Extreme comes in a capsule format, and you can avoid all the 
common side effects associated with traditional creatine use such as 
cramping, diahrea, indigestion, anxiety attacks, etc. This was my 
experience anyway, and I cannot tell you that creatine works like 
illegal steroids, because it doesn't. I can tell you though that I 
have used many different brands in the past with minimal results, 
and now that I have used Pumped Extreme I have actually seen some 
great gains in strength AND muscle SIZE, and I haven't had any 
negative side affects! I have used it for over a month and a half 
to date!

For full details go to Pumped Extreme Kre-Alkylyn Complex

     Fitness Tips For 10/29/2014

Workout Finisher Ideas

Finishing a workout well is crucial to getting the most out of your training. You don't want a good workout to go down the drain because you let the hard push it out at the end. There are several things you can do to ensure that you finish your workout strong. Here are some finishing techniques for various types of workouts. Chest Finisher After a good chest workout you have a few good options for wrapping up. One is to top the workout off with some explosive push-ups. Really blast your body off the ground for a couple of sets of 20 reps, and your pecs will explode. Another good option is to finish your chest routine with some cable crossover work. For this a wide range of motion works best, getting a huge stretch on the outside and pulling the hands totally across the body on the downstroke. As with the push-up, perform a couple of sets of 20 repetitions. Biceps Finisher Finishing the biceps off can be a lot of fun because they respond so well to focused work. And firing them up is simple if you have had a good workout prior to the finish. Simply perform a couple of sets of strict curls for 15 reps each in good form, moving the weight load fairly slowly both up and down. Another option is to perform a couple of sets of cable curls from a seated position. The cable is great because it keeps constant tension on the biceps. Pump out 15 reps per set. Thighs Finisher A good thigh workout will exhaust you to the max. One option to finish the workout is to get in a couple of sets of high rep leg extensions. Use a weight load that you can lift for 15-20 reps, and pump the thighs full of blood. Another option for the thighs is to perform some body weight only full range squats at the end of the workout. Since you are only using body weight, you can perform 30 reps per set. For a more challenging option, perform them with only one leg at a time (support the other leg on a bench behind your body) and get in 15 reps per leg. Triceps Finisher Finish your triceps workout off with a couple of sets of elevated push ups with your hands on a block and close together (6-8 inches apart). Another good triceps finishing option is to simply lean forward above a bar on the bench press bench and push your body back and away from the bench for several reps, with hands placed close together. Shoulders Finisher Finish your shoulders off by pumping a lighter barbell overhead for 15 reps, pushing the bar up for a full extension on each rep. Back Finisher A good way to finish your back workout is with the top deadlift. It is best to perform this move in a power rack. Set the safety bars in at a point 3 inches below your lockout height. Put a huge weight load on a barbell and deadlift it up for several repetitions Do this for three sets to give your back a strong stress load. Calves Finisher Topping your calves off is simple. Perform a couple of sets of very slow motion body weight only single leg calf raises. This will give the calves a super burn. Submit A Fitness Tip If you have a tip you'd like to share e-mail it to us
Workout Finisher Ideas

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