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How To Do High Intensity Training Without A Spotter

How To Do High Intensity Training Without A Spotter

Posted by: Indy


I saw your reaction on the article talking about was Mike Mentzer crazy or not. You said at the bottom that we can ask any questions on HIT training. Well, here is my question. I don't have any training partner to assist me to go beyond failure, is a good replacement to do a set till failure, and then move to a lower weight and do a dropset? Because I wanna get the best results and I think Mike Mentzer's training style is way better than any other training method. So I wanna do this type of training as optimal as possible. Sorry if this may sound stupid but I wanna do my best. And thanks for taking your time to read and hopefully answer to this email.


Re: How To Do High Intensity Training Without A Spotter

Posted by: Paul

As Mike Mentzer continued his research working with thousands of clients in the gym, he concluded that training beyond failure, by doing things like forced reps or drop sets, only increased volume not intensity and thus lead to overtraining. In fact when he personally trained me, he never gave me any forced reps, etc. he simply had me take each set to the point of momentary muscular failure and that was it for the set.

The only intensity techniques he did recommend was pre-exhaust and static holds followed by a extremely slow negative.

For example on pre-exhaust for chest he had me do pec deck to failure and with no rest incline bench press to failure and for legs he had me do leg extension to failure and then with no rest leg press to failure.

And an example of the static hold and slow negative, he had me hold a heavy weight at the top, fully contracted position of the leg curl and then when I could not longer hold it he had me lower if as slowly as I could.

I have been doing high intensity training since I was 17 years old and most of the time I don't have a training partner, I simply work as hard as possible, while also keeping safety in mind, and I have made great gains without forced reps or drop sets.

It's also important to watch Mike Mentzer's Workout video see https://www.trulyhuge.com/Mike_Mentzer_HIT_Video.htm so you can see the exact exercise form, repetition speed, etc. that Mike would use when he trained people.

Feel free to email at info@trulyhuge.com if you have any other questions.



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