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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

Build Maximum Muscle Mass In Minimum Time, with 
Rob "The Colossus" Colacino's Psycho-Burst Training System

This system is so unusual and different than any other 
conventional bodybuilding training system that 
demonstration is really required in order for you to fully 
understand how to do it and derive maximum gains from 
your efforts. On this video, Rob demonstrates all the 
exercises and his techniques for getting maximum 
muscle stimulation from his awesome system. This is no 
slick Hollywood, watered down, faked training production. 
This is a down and dirty video of Rob going through real 
training sessions using his real training poundages. This 
is hard training info definitely not for the weak or 
wanna-be bodybuilder. It’s entirely narrated by Rob 
himself coaching and instructing you while you’re able 
to see exactly how to perform the exercises. In this 
awesome video, Rob is at his gargantuan off-season 
280 lbs - unbelievable. You’ll also get to see some 
footage of Rob in his best ever contest condition. 
For full details go to: Psycho-Burst Training System

     Fitness Tips For 9/25/2013

Slow Reps for Muscle Size

When we go onto the floor of any gym anywhere in the world it is 
very unfortunate that we still see the average person training with 
weights using fast movements with too much momentum. This is 
definitely the wrong way to go about your training if you want to 
see the best results.

Essentially everybody seems to be doing their exercises too quickly.
If you are training like this and simply throwing the weight up and 
letting the weight drop back down again just mindlessly flailing 
your limbs with no apparent focus and doing it with without 
concentrating and more often than not while busy chatting to someone 
at the same time, you are not training correctly. 

If you are not concentrating on exactly what you are doing and you 
are using as much momentum as you possibly can then you are simply 
wasting your time. It would seem like the person training like this 
is someone who just wants to get their set done and out of the way, 
so they do something else with minimal disruption.

The goal of your strength training program should be to get the best 
possible results in the shortest possible time with the least 
possible amount of wasted effort. Performing slow, controlled 
repetitions is fundamental to achieving that goal and doing the 
exercise correctly without using momentum is vital.

The only way that you are going to get results from training with 
weights is by doing the movement correctly which means using the 
weight for controlled slow reps only with no exceptions. True High 
intensity is only achieved with slow controlled movements.

So how slow do we mean when we say slow? To answer this question we
need to concentrate on the concentric movement and the eccentric 
movement. The concentric movement is when you are lifting the weight 
going against the force of gravity like pushing up from the bottom 
of a squat.

The eccentric movement is when you are lowering the weight towards 
gravity like lowering yourself down with the weight on your back 
when squatting. When you are training correctly you will ALWAYS take 
at least 2 seconds to lift the weight concentrically and then 
lowering the weight eccentrically should take you at least 4 seconds. 

This means that you first need to concentrate on the correct way to 
do the exercise and then concentrate on speed. You should pause in both 
the start and finish positions on each rep. This means that when 
training this way you will do every rep taking approximately 7-8 
seconds to perform.

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Slow Reps for Muscle Size

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