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           Truly Huge Fitness Tips
         Presented by TrulyHuge.com                  

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     Fitness Tips For 9/3/2008

Trapezius Muscle Workout
By Steve Kidwell

Traps, the muscles that attach to your neck and lead down to your 
shoulders and collar bones, are one of the most popular muscles to 
develop for aspiring bodybuiders. It's no wonder. Thickly developed 
traps which slope steeply down from under the ears to the shoulders 
make people look like they are from another planet. How do you get 
those super-thick mountain slopes? 

Let me start by stating that it often takes several years of intense
weight training. Some people are born with thick traps, and for the 
rest of us it requires years of hard work. Of course, there is no 
better time to get started than the present. Right? 

Your traps can be worked with your back workout or with shoulders 
for optimal growth. I've trained them with both and known many 
successful bodybuilders who have done the same. I prefer to train 
them with shoulders. The main reason is because I do more sets for 
my back workouts than shoulders and it helps keep the total sets 
for that bodypart down a bit. 

Trap training really isn't that complex. If you hit them after 
back or shoulders, they will be quite fatigued (pre-exhausted). 
You won't need to do too many sets. I usually do just 4 sets per 
workout. My rep range usually stays between 8-15. The key is the 
performance and selection of the exercise. 

I often use barbell shrugs for my trap workouts. Sometimes I will 
spice things up a bit by doing dumbbell shrugs or smith machine 
shrugs. However, I do prefer the old fashioned barbell. I seem to 
get the best pump, burn, and overall best results from these. 

When performing the exercise, regardless of which I choose, I am 
methodical. I start with my arms hanging down at my sides, slightly 
wider than shoulder width and in front of me so I can let the bar 
be positioned across the front of my upper thigs. I make sure I 
select a weight that will allow me to raise the bar with my traps 
as high as possible and hold it there for a slight pause before 
lower the bar back down to the beginning point. The biggest mistake 
I see novices making is that they try to use too much weight. 
Shrugs are an exercise where you can use tons of weight by 
loosening your form. The problem is that you don't end up working 
the traps and no substantial growth for the muscle group will occur. 

I will leave you with some suggestions if you aren't getting the 
results you want from your trap workouts. First, train them very 
slowly with a pause at the top of the rep. Exaggerate the length 
of the movement. Second, cut the weight you are using in half. 
You always want to try and go heavier, but never by sacrificing 
your form. 

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